What is a Vestibular Test?

A vestibular test is a series of procedures that evaluate the different parts that make up your balance system in the ear. Doctors of Hearing, Inc. will work with your general physician, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) physician and/or physical therapist to determine the best plan to address your balance mechanism. At Doctors of Hearing, Inc., we've been certified by the American Institute of Balance to properly assess your balance system using the following exams.
-Gans Sensory Organization Performance Test - This is a 5-minute test that will provide useful information on postural stability. The test involves a short period of time dedicated to 7 standing positions.
-Neurodiagnostic Auditory Brainstem (ABR) Test - A quick assessment of your cochlea and eighth cranial nerve can rule out retrocochlear contribution to dizziness. The patient will be asked to lay still while a series of tones are presented and a response is recorded.
-Electrocochleography (ECog) - This is an exam that will help to confirm or rule-out Meniere's Disease/Endolymphatic Hydrops. The patient will be asked to lay still while a series of tones are presented and a response is recorded.
-Gans Sensory Organization Performance Test - This is a 5-minute test that will provide useful information on postural stability. The test involves a short period of time dedicated to 7 standing positions.
-Neurodiagnostic Auditory Brainstem (ABR) Test - A quick assessment of your cochlea and eighth cranial nerve can rule out retrocochlear contribution to dizziness. The patient will be asked to lay still while a series of tones are presented and a response is recorded.
-Electrocochleography (ECog) - This is an exam that will help to confirm or rule-out Meniere's Disease/Endolymphatic Hydrops. The patient will be asked to lay still while a series of tones are presented and a response is recorded.
- Cervial Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (cVEMP) and Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (oVEMP) - This test allows us to isolate and evaluate different parts of your balance organ.
- Videonystagmography (VNG) - This is an assessment of the vestibulo-ocular (VOR) reflex. The patient will be asked to wear a set of goggles that allows us to track and evaluate your eye movements.
- Rotational Chair Testing - This is an assessment of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and the central nervous system. The patient's eye movement will be measured after a short period of gentle rotation in a controlled chair.
- Evaluation and Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) - This is a test to determine if certain head and/or body movements cause dizziness. In some cases, if positive, treatment can be provided immediately.
- Caloric Testing - This is an assessment of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). The evaluation is done by stimulating the ears with different temperatures. A recording of your eye movements provides important information on your balance system.
- vHIT - This is an assessment of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) with quick movements. The patient will wear a special pair of goggles and a recording of eye movements with quick, short turns provides important information on vestibular function and possible compensation.