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Auditory processing disorders

Auditory processing disorders

Our audiology practice in Pasadena, Los Angeles, aims to understand different hearing disorders such as auditory processing disorders. APDs are also known as central auditory processing disorders. They can be hard to recognize and diagnose due to the fact that symptom vary between different age groups. APDs occur most commonly in children of all ages.

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Preschoolers can begin to exhibit symptoms, though diagnosis of APDs normally occurs in grade school. Some symptoms displayed in preschoolers include difficulty tuning out background noise, and discomfort when hearing loud noises. Usually, preschoolers will not like being read to and won't be able to sit still for story time at school. This is because children with APD are struggling to process what they hear, and this causes them to be overly sensitive to sounds and background noise. Often, children with APD will need to have things repeated them and will have trouble remembering information and instructions.

In grade school, these symptoms will become more problematic. Children will begin to dread reading and sounding out words they don't know. This is because they are struggling to process how different sounds work together in order to form words. These children will have poor conversation skills and will forget things because they have difficulty recalling information they have heard.

APDs can become worse if not treated, impairing a child’s life and their ability to learn. A doctor of hearing will be able to solve the problem with various treatment methods such as therapy (specifically speech therapy) and various learning methods that can be applied in the school place. APD is treatable but what is most important is recognizing symptoms early on (preferably at the pre-school level) in order to start treatment right away.  Contact us at for more information!

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