Doctors Of Hearing Blog

Our mission is to help those who suffer from hearing loss and for those who need hearing aids. We are here to help change the hearing health care Industry. Those with hearing loss need the best services, and reasonable pricing for hearing aids

Hearing Loss - Causes, Symptoms and Solutions

Hearing Loss can occur at any age, and for a number of reasons. Depending on the type, treatment may vary. Basically, hearing loss could be conductive, sensorineural or mixed, that is both conductive and sensorineural. While there is problem in conducting sound waves along the outer ear, eardrum and middle ear in the conductive type of hearing loss,

sensorineural type describes the situation in which the root cause is in the outer ear, cranial nerve or central auditory processing parts of the brain.


Most people believe that hearing loss affects only older people. According to research, 20% of adults in America report of hearing problems. While the problem is a common one, a lot of people do not know what the symptoms are until it becomes too late. Below are symptoms that may develop when one starts to have hearing problems: Image result for Causes of Hearing Loss

• Difficulty in Understanding what people are saying. 
• Muffled voices.
• Difficulty in picking out people’s voices among other noise.
• Listening to TV programs and Radio at higher volumes than usual.
• Depression
• Ear pain, itching and irritation.
• Fluid coming out of the ear due to infection.

Causes of Hearing Loss

Gradual exposure to Loud Music and Aging

Gradual exposure to loud music and aging could lead to damage of the nerve cells that send sound signal to the brain. When there is no nerve cell to send sound messages to the brain, there is shortage in the hearing abilities which could cause higher pitch sounds to appear like muffles.

Earwax buildup

The buildup of earwax can block the ear canal and prevent the conduction of sound waves.

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Ear Infection and Unhealthy Ear Growth
In the outer or middle ear, the presence of an infection, or worse the growth of a tumor would greatly affect hearing.

Damaged Ear Drums
When the eardrum is ruptured, or there is a tympanic membrane perforation which is caused by loud blast of noise that suddenly changes in pressure. This can easily cause, at best, an infection or, at worst, a perforated ear drum which in turn affects the level of hearing loss.

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Hearing Solutions
The first step into getting hearing solution is making a timely visit to your audiologists. This is an important aspect of curing loss of hearing because audiologists would easily tell you specifically, through a full test, what is causing it. From there, it is easier to administer a hearing solution. Also, the audiologists may recommend hearing aids which are of different types, design, functions and costs. Although, hearing aids would not correct hearing loss totally, they are still very effective in many situations.


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An Overview of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is officially defied as the inability to hear. Those effected, are typically referred to as hard of hearing and can occur in one or both ears. In adults, hearing loss can result in work-related difficulties and in children, it can cause learning problems. It is important to know what causes hearing loss, what an audiologist is, types of hearing aids and physiological issues with hearing loss.

Causes of Hearing Loss

There are multiple causes of hearing loss including ageing, disorders, genetics, noise and perinatal problems. As human’s age, hearing loss progressively occurs due to the inability to hear high frequencies. Disorders such as strokes, multiple sclerosis, perilymph fistula and viral infections can all cause hearing problems. Also, hearing loss can be genetically inherited. Loud noises causes almost half of hearing loss cases. Finally, fetal alcohol spectrum and premature birth can affect hearing.

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What is an Audiologist?

An audiologist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating auditory disorders as well as the vestibular system of the ear. They can recommend hearing aids, counsel families through new diagnosis, create education programs and implement newborn hearing screening programs.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are electroacoustic devices designed to amplify sounds for the wearer which are hearing solutions. There are numerous types including, behind-the-ear, body worn, bone-anchored, disposable, eyeglass, extended wear, in-the-ear, invisible, open-fit, personal programmable and stethoscope aids.

Physiological Issues with Hearing Loss

Physically, there are two types of physiological hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. Conductive hearing loss is caused by fixation of the bones in the middle of the ear that interrupts the bone chain. This is typically the result of a severe infection or head trauma. Sensorineural hearing loss involves an impairment of the nerves which limits loudness and clarity. This is caused by damage to the feather-like hair cells from an extended period of high levels of noise.

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Hearing Loss


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Hearing loss can be a difficult situation. Some people are born with hearing loss while others develop it over time. It can be the result of several different things. The good news is there are now ways to correct hearing loss for some people.

Hearing loss can be caused by loud noises. This could be a single burst of a loud noise or being exposed to loud noises over a period of time. This could include noises from loud music or machinery at work. People who have had severe ear infections and have had a number of surgeries can experience hearing loss. Some people are born with it due to hereditary diseases. Other people develop hearing loss from the aging process.

If you are experiencing hearing loss you will want to see an audiologist. This is a professional that is trained in treating hearing loss. They also diagnose hearing loss. Along with this they will also be the ones to provide you with hearing aids.

Hearing aids are little devices that are placed in the ear to amplify sound. These are used by people that have hearing loss. There are different types of hearing aids. Some are more noticeable than others. Your audiologist will be able to help you find the best fit for you.


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Hearing loss can lead to psychological issues if left untreated. This issues include embarrassment, anger, depression, anxiety and low self esteem. This can be seen in people with hearing loss of all ages. The majority of these are caused by not being able to hear what is going on around you or what others are saying.

If treated hearing loss can be easier to deal with. If you have issues with this contact an audiologist to get started on the right track of taking care of the problem.

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Best hearing solutions for you

Hearing is a gift that many people take for granted but when one experiences ringing in the ears or hearing loss, then one’s daily routine is affected. There are several factors that cause hearing loss and some of them include exposure to loud noise over a period of time, aging and insertion of objects into the ear among others.

The main reason for hearing loss is the damage of the cochlea which contains over 15000 hair cells. Thanks to improved technology, people with hearing loss can get to hear again.

Below are relief measures for patients with hearing loss.

Hearing aids

Today, hearing loss is brought about by loud noise and aging can be relieved thanks to hearing aids. These are miniature devices that have been developed to enable patients to be able to hear. It is composed of a hearing piece which captures sound much the same as the inner ear. It converts waves into audible sound therefore allowing one to participate in a conversation.


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They are fitted with volume adjusters therefore helping one to adjust the amount of sound the device projects into the ear. As an inexpensive solution to hearing loss, you need to seek the help of an audiologist for better fitting.

Cochlear implants Image result for Cochlear implants

For patients with severe hearing loss, a cochlear is one of the best option. Unlike hearing aids provided by audiologists and which help to amplify sound as it directs it to the ear canal, a cochlear implant helps to compensates for damaged or non working parts of a patient’s inner ear.
If you opt for this option, it’s best to discuss the risks and benefits with your audiologists as well as with your ENT doctor.

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