Welcome to DoctorsOfHearing website
Our mission is to help those who suffer from hearing loss and for those who need hearing aids. We are here to help change the hearing health care Industry. Those with hearing loss need the best services, and reasonable pricing for hearing aids. No one should be without hearing…
Best hearing solutions for you
Hearing is a gift that many people take for granted but when one experiences ringing in the ears or hearing loss, then one’s daily routine is affected. There are several factors that cause hearing loss and some of them include exposure to loud noise over a period of time, aging…
An Overview of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a difficult situation. Some people are born with hearing loss while others develop it over time. It can be the result of several different things. The good news is there are now ways to correct hearing loss for some people. Hearing loss can be caused by loud…
Hearing Loss - Causes, Symptoms and Solutions
Hearing Loss can occur at any age, and for a number of reasons. Depending on the type, treatment may vary. Basically, hearing loss could be conductive, sensorineural or mixed, that is both conductive and sensorineural. While there is problem in conducting sound waves along the…
Ear Tuned to Today's Audiology
It’s hard to imagine what an important role good hearing plays in our lives. When we have it, we never think about it. In the distant past,…
Audiology and Audiologists Roles and Qualifications
Audiology is the science that studies disorders associated with auditory and balance. Audiologists are healthcare practitioners that major…
Auditory Processing Disorders
Auditory processing disorders Our audiology practice in Pasadena, Los Angeles, aims to understand different hearing disorders such as…
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implants In Pasadena, Los Angeles, knowledge of audiology and hearing is improving every day through the hard work of doctors and…
Hair Cell Regeneration
Our inner ear has a sensory organ called the epithlium that has two layers of cells. The first layer is the hair cells. The second layer is…
Genetics and Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can happen because of genetic mutations during development of a baby. The inner ear has two special proteins that are only…
Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss happens when excessive noise causes internal year damage. The immune system then responds by replacing the…
Age Related Hearing Loss
According to Doctors of Hearing, age related hearing loss has been found to be caused by the weakening of the Glycine in the mammalian…
Ototoxicity, Cancer treatments & Hearing loss
Ototoxicity is a condition that can be caused by the use of antineoplastic agents like Cisplatin that are extremely potent and often used…
Recovery from An Ear Infection
Fluid in the middle ear is a condition that is called "otitis media with effusion." It often occurs during recovery from an ear infection…
Finding the Best Audiologist
Many people are under the impression that they're not going to need hearing aids until they're older. There are many reasons why someone…
Life With Hearing Loss
It's unfortunate that there is still a stigma attached to developing hearing loss. Hearing loss is actually very common in spite of the…
Improving Hearing Loss
Hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing or buzzing) in the ears, or difficulty understanding speech affects the lifestyles of over 200,000 people…
How Can Audiologists Improve The Patient Experience?
Even if you have experienced hearing loss for some time, a visit to the audiologist can still be a nerve wracking experience. However,…